Tech This Out · January 25, 2019

Weekly Update – January 25, 2019

? Polar Vortex 2: The Revenge Edition! ?

My favorite headline this week was, “If You Think it’s Cold Now, We Have Bad News For You.” Frigid temperatures may have an icy grip on the area, but we have some ? hot tips ? for you today. We’re kicking off this edition with a post on making collages with Keynote, followed by a reminder on using Apple Classroom with students. That segues beautifully into a new PD option this semester.

Project Tip: Collages with Keynote

Jen Smith suggested a great way to use Keynote with your students. Instead of sticking with presentations, have them make collages using the Internet to source images and the Instant Alpha tool to cut out portions for the collage. Read the full post.

Apple Classroom: It’s a Thing

We have Apple Classroom configured for all classroom teachers. It gives you remote management and views of any student iPad in your room. Remember, you can wirelessly open apps or websites on your student iPads, see what they’re working on, and even group students into project teams or stations, all with a flick of your finger. For quick pointers, Kat has created a great PDF outlining some of the core features and functions of Apple Classroom.

Here’s that segue I was talking about…

This semester, we’re launching PD on Air to bring short sessions to you. Instead of rushing across town to a different building, you can watch these special sessions on the Instructional Tech YouTube channel live! We have all the details in the announcement blog post and you can register for an Apple Classroom PD On Air on February 12th today.