
Finding Your Online PD Courses

We have more PD available online than ever before. There are some bite-sized courses you can work through individually as well as some YouTube livestreams that were recorded. We’re starting to use real-time video conferencing with Google Meet for in-person PD regardless of where you are physically. With all of these links, how do you find those places later? The PD website is the driver for finding your online course links. Here are two ways you can find the link to your online PD. Method 1: The Welcome Email After registering for an online course or session, you should receive...

Brand New: PD On Air

Our goal is to support teachers with high-value, high-impact PD. Two years ago, we held frequent workshops to get teachers and staff up to speed on Google and Canvas. As the skill gap closed, our attendance dropped and we moved away from centralized, in-person lessons. Then, we introduced four-week, scheduled workshops to build on those skills. Again, as the gaps closed, interest in those workshops declined, so we moved away from that model. We’re embedded in buildings now and while that support helps in the moment, we still want to offer broad instructional and technical help to teachers. We’re going...