Emily Morris

Scanning Documents with the Notes App

Being able to scan a physical document is necessary to upload an artifact to SFS, share the document digitally with students or colleagues, or save it in Google Drive. There are scanners in the buildings, but you can also scan a paper document or image from your iPad and save it to your Google Drive using the Notes app you already have installed. Students also have this app and can scan and save documents to their Drives as well. The Notes app looks like this: Tap the app to open it. If you already have notes written that you want...

Using EdPuzzle in Your Classes

What is EdPuzzle? EdPuzzle is a website that allows you to find videos from YouTube, Khan Academy, National Geographic, TED Talks, and more and add questions to them. You can search for a topic you are teaching in class and find a video with either premade questions or include your own questions. As the video plays, it will pause and keep students from moving on until they answer each question. These questions can be multiple choice, essay, or even a note you want students to see. How would EdPuzzle Help Students? EdPuzzle is a great tool to assign on eLearning...