
Bite-Sized Online PD

Last year, we experimented with creating online PD through Canvas so you can work on buildings skills on your own schedule. We had some success, but the major feedback was that the course was too big and felt overwhelming. This year, we’re going to build out some micro-courses which focus on single, specific skills or applications. To start, we broke out our Digital Instructor course into six micro-courses (three or four short modules each). This means you sign up for what you want to do, when you want to do it. All of the available courses are on the Elkhart...

The New Elkhart EdTech Blog

After a couple months of writing, we decided the Elkhart EdTech blog was a little…limited. The platform wasn’t working and it turned into a project for Wes, Kat, and me to manage. Rather than limit the blog to our collective brains, we’ve decided to open up the EET blog with a new look and a new purpose. In the true spirit of picking the tool that’s best for the purpose, we’ve moved from Blogger to WordPress. It’s infinitely more flexible and allows us to do some really cool things as we work to highlight the great stuff happening in Elkhart...