eLearning · April 13, 2020

Mystery Read Alouds

Many teachers and buildings are seeing high engagement with students when doing read alouds during sustained e-learning. There are a few different ways these read alouds are being used in classrooms and in schools as a whole.

In individual teachers classes we are seeing them used in:

  • Morning introductions
  • An activity during the day
  • Bedtime stories

For whole building interactions principals are sharing read alouds out through their whole building Seesaw class:

  • Nightly bedtime stories read by a different teacher each night
  • Morning messages from principals

One unique twist on this well liked read aloud activity is to incorporate a mystery reader into your routine. Just like you are missing your students faces, they are missing the faces of all the teachers and staff that they used to see every week. Here is a great way to combine read aloud books, a fun mystery, and the sharing of love. 

All you need for this activity is the Epic app and the iMovie app both of which can be found on a teacher iPad in Self service.

  1. Go to “setting” on your iPad and turn on Screen Recording. Be sure to turn microphone on.
  2. Go to Epic and select a book you want to read aloud.
  3. Drag diagonally from the top right corner to get the screen recording option.
  4. Record yourself reading the Epic book.
  5. Go to iMovie. Select the + and then Movie.
  6. Select your book recording then press Create Movie (at the bottom).
  7. At the bottom of the screen tap on the ends of the recording roll to edit where you want the story to begin and end.

Additional Ideas:

  • Add a Guess Who? image to the end of the movie to give your students time to think of who might of just read them a story. This gives students time to try and guess the mystery reader.
  • Include a picture of the mystery reader at the end!

Have other ideas of how to incorporate read alouds in your classroom or your school? Use the comment section below. Thanks for sharing!