Updates · May 27, 2022

Goodbye 2021-2022

We wanted to take a moment to thank all Elkhart community members – staff and students alike – for a great 2022. We faced significant challenges and the way our staff work together to support students is unparalleled.

This year, ECS staff were pushed to do more learning than ever before. In total, our staff participated in over 40,000 hours of learning about working with English-language learners, trauma informed care, and ways to de-escalate situations with students and adults. This does not include any of the other voluntary learning options we had during the year. The commitment of ECS employees to learn and grow is humbling. Thank you.

We hope you’ll take time this summer to rest and recuperate after a long school year. If you’re looking for some summer learning, we have some self-paced Canvas courses you can dig into to learn more about Canvas, Google, or Seesaw. Completing a self-paced course will qualify you for a stipend you can claim when you get back in August.

We’re excited about some changes we’re bringing next year, so be sure to stay tuned by signing up for email updates on the right or following us on all major social media platforms.